Ongoing DrySuit Specialty promo & EFR courses

Firstly a belated but very sincere Happy New Year, hope all goes well for you in 2012.  Yes, Noemie and I are back from our travels in the UK & Grenoble …and a successful dive show in Paris.

The boat is in the water and we encourage all of you of course to carry on diving.  We’re still running an offer on Dry Suit specialty for 180 Euros instead of 215 Euros for the manual, three dives (inc confined water orientation) and certification.

For those who have already completed the course why not keep up your skills with some diving, we will hire the suits out a just 10 euros per dive above your normal per dive price.

Dry Suit Specialty

180€ instead of 215€ all included

Every day

Also, we are going to organise a couple of Emergency First Response courses.  This is a great course, good fun, very useful and the reasons to do it are many & compelling, including:

– The ability to intervene and maybe even save a life in the event of a medical emergency

– Developing and practising life skills that all people should have

– It is a prerequisite for the Rescue Diver course, which we highly encourage all of you to aim for as a minimum qualification

The price is 150 Euros which includes the manual and CD, a day and a half of tuition and certification.  This course is obviously very useful for non-divers aswell so if you have any friends that might be interested please let them know.

EFR Course 150€ all included

Dates :

Saturday 4 & Sunday 5 of February


Saturday 11 & Sunday 12 of February