In recent days and weeks we’ve all been asking ourselves an awful lot of questions about how we can return to some semblance of normality and start to enjoy the things we love! I fully understand that we all have many concerns, worries and doubts and please rest assured that myself and Noémie share these fully. We will be updating with more news via Facebook when our reopening date gets confirmed but felt important to reassure you, our clients, regarding the measures that will be put in place to protect you when you feel comfortable enough to come diving with us again:
- Frequent disinfecting of all high contact areas in the dive centre including counters, door handles, card machine, taps, window ledges, classroom tables and other flat surfaces.
- Availability of hydro-alcoholic gel for the use of clients, in dive centre reception, classroom, toilet, and on each boat.
- Thorough disinfecting of all regulators, snorkels, masks, BCD inflators and wetsuits according to approved industry practices after each use.
- Cleaning and disinfecting of all hand contact areas on the boats after each dive trip (minimum twice a day)
- A maximum of four clients inside the dive centre at all times with a request to all to be considerate towards others regarding social distancing. Exceptionally the compressor room door with be the exit, when the compressor is not in use.
- A maximum number of clients on each boat to be limited to six (or less if regulations dictate).
- Ongoing reinforcement and briefings to the team to ensure all of this is respected as far as possible at all times. We will of course be respect social distancing (without compromising diving safety) in all tuition and guiding and the general supervision of this activity we love.
- We will be asking many of you to pay by card but at distance via a new functionality that Sum Up and our accounts software has provided (invoice with payment link).
- We will be asking all divers to supply electronic scans and copies of paperwork via e-mail in advance of diving to reduce unnecessary hand to hand contact.
- If you have had the disease a dive medical from a specialist diving doctor will obviously be necessary, in addition to our usual requirement of an annual medical and one for all training courses.
- There is the distinct possibility, depending on the evolution of organisation at Nice Hospital that we limit max depths and insist even more so than usual on no decompression diving.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us!