Yacht Dive Operations Consultancy

For those vessels where diving is going to be an ongoing activity for crew, guests or owners it is vital to understand dive operations, roles and responsibilities and risk management (including all aspects of paperwork and insurance).  This includes having in place a thorough and well drilled Emergency Action Plan that is constantly updated and adapted for the precise physical location where you’ll be diving.  It is also important to ensure that crew members have up to date training and skills.  We can help with our Yacht Dive Operations Consultancy offering.  

Many yachts choose to out source diving operations when there are requirements from guests, however this is not a magic panacea from a legal exposure or risk management point of view in the event of an accident.  Procedures need to be in place and crew members need to be able to support the external Instructor effectively in normal diving operations and in the unlikely event of a serious dive incident or accident.  No matter how skilled or experienced the guide or Instructor might be they need to have capable support from the crew.  

Alex has a wealth of experience in training crew and training Dive Masters, Instructors and IDC Staff Instructors over the past ten years.  He understands the specific dynamics that come diving in the Super Yacht Environment and is well placed to help crew put in thorough procedures for safe and quality dive operations with all aspects of risk management covered.

Please don’t hesitate to call +33(0)615305223 for an initial exploratory discussion, from which I can understand your requirements and put together a proposal with costs and timings.